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jomo - joy of missing out
on 28 Feb 2022 4:21 PM

Joy of Missing Out - 6 ways in which JOMO helps you to get clarity and focus

Man is a social animal. We all love to be in society, know and see what others are up to. We attain happiness through all of this. We all might have experienced #FOMO – The fear of missing out, some time or the other in our lives too.

However, just with any other thing, too much of anything is too bad. The constant need to BE there creates a lot of unintended pressure.

If this is the case with the physical presence, one can imagine only worse with the virtual presence.

How addictive it is to keep scrolling through others’ statuses on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram isn’t it?

We can hardly put down our mobile for a couple of hours to #focus and work with #clarity. That constant fear that we might be missing out on something is worse.

Here comes #JOMO for our rescue – The Joy of missing out or the simple pleasure of being disconnected for self-care and taking time to just relax and just BE.

You might miss out on some not-so-important updates but you will yield greater benefits from this.

Here are 6 ways in which JOMO helps you get #clarity and #focus.

From all this, it is clear that there is great joy in missing out few things too. Especially when you get pleasure from real things around you instead of seeing some virtual news or updates.

Now is the time to make #JOMO your motto at least a couple of times a month. Make it a ritual to have time scheduled for self-care and just don't care if you are missing out in anything at that time!


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